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Entrevista concedida à jornalista Mara Parrela, na Holanda
A jornalista Mara Parrela faz uma matéria jornalística sobre a Homeopatia e entrevista a Dra Miriam Sommer, médica homeopata brasileira, residente na Holanda, para a website Maranews e faz um apanhado sobre alguns conceitos na homeopatia. Dra. Miriam Sommer, brasileira radicada na Holanda, concluiu seu Mestrado em Epidemiologia Clínica na Universidade Erasmus de Rotterdam, com um…
Homeopatia na Holanda
Matéria publicada no Jornal Semelhante Publicação da ONG Homeopatia Ação Pelo Semelhante nº 1 AGOSTO- 2007 “Moro e trabalho em Haia (The Hague), na Holanda, uma cidade internacional, pois aqui estão todos os escritórios da organização das nações unidas (ONU), os tribunais internacionais,bem como muitas empresas multinacionais, o fato de ser uma cidade internacional facilita…
Muito além das plantas
Matéria publicada no Jornal do Comércio em 21 de Novembro de 2008 durante a celebração do Dia Nacional da Homeopatia, em Porto Alegre, Brasil. Quando se fala em homeopatia, é comum as pessoas pensarem na fabricação de medicamentos a partir das plantas. A médica homeopata Miriam Sommer lembra que 86% dos remédios alopáticos também têm…
Migraine is a debilitating disorder and may profoundly affect the daily lives of people who suffer from it. It’s a chronic neurological disorder characterised by recurrent acute and severe headaches, occurring when there is an exposure to a trigger that facilitates the flare up of a crisis. Migraine is a name that derives from Greek name…
A woman’s life has many phases: menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, childbirth, and perimenopausal. These periods can be intense internal physical and psychological experiences that compel women to focus on their internal body awareness. Many of the transformations a woman experiences in her life are natural and accepted by her body in a normal way, and follow a normal progression…
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
A woman’s life has many phases: menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, childbirth, and perimenopausal. These periods can be intense internal physical and psychological experiences that compel women to focus on their internal body awareness. Many of the transformations a woman experiences in her life are natural and accepted by her body in a normal way, and follow a normal progression…
During pregnancy
Pregnancy can give rise to many problems that affect the mother such as fatigue, extreme changes of moods as well as nausea and backaches. There are some lucky mothers that will not experience these maladies, but those are the exceptions rather than the rule. Most women will experience a normal as well as uncomplicated pregnancy and…
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal Neuralgia, also known as Tic Douloureux, is a nerve disorder that causes a very intense and abrupt pain that reaches the face, in an area covered by the nerve called trigeminal, most commonly involving the lower jaw and lower area of the face. The pain symptoms may also appear near the ears, nose, lips…
Hay Fever and the use of Homeopathy
If you have symptoms of Hay Fever and are interested in using homeopathy, you should know what is important to observe and inform your homeopathic practitioner. Hay Fever is medically known as “seasonal allergic rhinitis” and consists of an inflammation and irritation in the delicate linings of the nasal passage, throat and eyes. Hay fever commonly appears around the…