Miriam Sommer’s profile


Classical Homeopath

Miriam Sommer MD attended medical school at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, graduating in 1980. After obtaining her MD, she studied for three years at the Homeopathic Medical Specialization Course at the Homeopathic Medical Association, coordinated by Dr. Javier Salvador Gamarra, in Curitiba, Brazil.

In 1983 she earned the title of Medical Specialist in Homeopathy of the Brazilian Medical Federal Council in Brazil.

During this period she also studied in Buenos Aires, at the Argentinean Homeopathic Medical Association, coordinated by Dr. Francisco Xavier Eizayaga, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Miriam Sommer worked during 20 years as a physician specialist in Homeopathy in her private practice and also as a volunteer at the Homeopathic League of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

During this period, she also worked for the Research Committee of the Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Association (AMHB), participating in several research projects.

Miriam Sommer works since 2000 as a Classical Homeopath in Den Haag, The Netherlands. In 2005, Miriam Sommer graduated as a Master in Science (MSc) in Clinical Epidemiology at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Miriam Sommer is a member of the Brazilian Medical Homeopathic Association (Associação Medica Homeopática Brasileira) in Brazil and Nederlandse Vereniging van Klassieke Homeopaten (NVKH) in the Netherlands.